So Much Pressure!

So Much Pressure!

 As we enter the eleventh month of the year, we often find ourselves juggling a lot. With Halloween out the door, we move on to Thanksgiving. Here, I invite you to do a bit of reflection…What does Thanksgiving usually mean to you? Do you gather with family? Friends?...
Domestic Abuse Awareness Month

Domestic Abuse Awareness Month

It is officially Fall, and it’s time to get out the Halloween costumes, sweaters, fall décor, and pumpkin-flavors. However, before we get into all of the fun things that we usually associate with October, it is crucial that we consider the other messages that...
Signs of An Abusive Partner & How to Break Free

Signs of An Abusive Partner & How to Break Free

Are you in an abusive relationship? People in these relationships sometimes mistake the abuse for intense feelings of caring or concern. It can even seem flattering. Do you know what signs to look for so that you can tell the difference? Research shows that nearly 60%...
5 Simple Ways to Secure Your Smartphone

5 Simple Ways to Secure Your Smartphone

It is reported that nearly two-thirds of the world’s population has a mobile phone, including you (smile). We take them everywhere we go, and most of us keep them on our hip, purse, or sometimes hold them in the palm of our hands. Our smartphones have literally become...