Self-Care During A Time of Loss

Self-Care During A Time of Loss

Everyone has their way of coping, usually by default because most of us weren’t taught healthy coping skills. Experiencing a loss intensifies the need for these skills and calls for us to take care of ourselves while keeping our heads above water.  Our health and...
So Much Pressure!

So Much Pressure!

 As we enter the eleventh month of the year, we often find ourselves juggling a lot. With Halloween out the door, we move on to Thanksgiving. Here, I invite you to do a bit of reflection…What does Thanksgiving usually mean to you? Do you gather with family? Friends?...
Domestic Abuse Awareness Month

Domestic Abuse Awareness Month

It is officially Fall, and it’s time to get out the Halloween costumes, sweaters, fall décor, and pumpkin-flavors. However, before we get into all of the fun things that we usually associate with October, it is crucial that we consider the other messages that...